College Exams

The College of Medicine of South Africa (CMSA) curriculum for the FC Rad Onc (SA) changed recently and examples of papers for the new curriculum can be downloaded by logging in on the home page and navigating to the Registrars Corner in the Members area.

Please be aware of the changes in regulations of the CMSA:

  1. Exemption for the part 2 papers for the next exam if the candidate was invited to the osce/orals of the part 2, but did not pass.
  2. Voice recordings of the orals with future exams

For future registrars, please visit the CMSA website. The Anatomy blueprint has changed. It has now been in the public domain for 6 months. All changes planned to the curriculum or exams layout will be indicated on the website.

Further more the CMSA has decided to seperate the the osce/orals from the graduation. This wil be implemented from the October 2018 exams.
